Infrastructure Policy

The National Infrastructure Strategy sets out a framework for meeting the Island’s social and economic requirements for the next 30 years.

It explains the need for our infrastructure to keep pace with changes in population, the economy, technology and climate in order to maintain the Isle of Man’s status as a special place to live and work.

The Strategy, to be considered by Members at the July sitting of Tynwald, includes an audit, which concludes that the Island’s current infrastructure is generally in good condition having benefitted from significant investment over the past 15 years.

Key assets have been designed to withstand change and continue to be maintained to an appropriate standard to meet current and, in some cases, future needs. Where shortfalls have been identified, the Government or infrastructure providers have for the most part already started to tackle this in their planned work programmes.

Consideration is also given to the factors that will influence long-term decision making and efforts to secure value for money. It is the first time such a comprehensive range of information has been presented in one document.

The Strategy will help to inform the planning and delivery of future capital schemes by identifying when strategic assets need to be constructed or replaced. It also encourages partnership working across the public and private sectors to promote a forward-looking approach to infrastructure projects.

There is a strong focus on providing value for money by putting in place maintenance programmes to achieve the full design life of infrastructure such as buildings, roads and services.

The intention is that work will support the Strategy’s overarching aim ‘to ensure there is an integrated, reliable, secure and resilient provision of Island-wide infrastructure that meets the social and economic needs of the Island up to 2050.’

Minister Ray Harmer MHK said:

‘The Island’s infrastructure supports every facet of our lives. It enables the movement of people and goods, provides our homes and businesses with power, water and telecoms and helps our economy to flourish. The demands on our infrastructure are continually evolving and it is important to ensure we are well placed to respond to future needs.’

He added:

‘This Strategy is part of the Programme for Government and will act as guide to the Island’s infrastructure providers when making decisions about future investments. It will coordinate efforts to ensure we prepare for the future in the most effective way possible.’

National Infrastructure Strategy 2018 Audit

The National Infrastructure Strategy was received and approved by Tynwald in July 2017. As part of the Strategy, the Department of Infrastructure has committed to undertaking a regular cycle of review of the National Infrastructure Strategy and will produce a monitoring report thereafter.

The purpose of this 2018 audit is to determine if there is a need to revise any aspect of the National Infrastructure Strategy.

Since the introduction of the strategy the various infrastructure providers have continued to update and undertake new works to improve the Island's existing infrastructure. This audit will provide an update on these works as well as outlining any known future works.

In addition to this the Island's infrastructure provision is influenced by various obligations, regulations strategies, reports and plans which have been prepared by the Isle of Man Government or UK and beyond. This audit reports on these and makes an assessment of whether these factors will influence the Island's infrastructure.

The National Infrastructure Strategy is a “live” document which can be changed if deemed necessary. Any amendments to the Strategy will be as a result of new information coming forward in relation to the Island’s infrastructure. The latest revision date will always appear on the Strategy to ensure the reader is aware of the version they are reading.