Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm

On 7 November 2014, the UK Government granted approval for a for Development Consent Order for DONG Energy Walney Extension (UK) Ltd to develop an offshore wind farm in UK Waters between the Isle of Man and Cumbria / Lancashire Coast.

Details of the decision can be accessed at: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/projects/north-west/walney-extension-offshore-wind-farm/

Given the proximity to the Isle of Man and its vital air and sea navigation routes, the Isle of Man Government participated in the decision making process as it had a number of concerns about the proposals within the wider context of offshore wind farm development in the Irish Sea within UK Waters. More details of this proposal and the Isle of Man Government proposal are set out below.

The proposal is for the construction of an offshore wind farm extension located to the west and northwest of the existing offshore wind farm with an upper generating capacity of 750MW, together with offshore and onshore electrical infrastructure including cable route from the coast to a new substation located near Middleton, Lancashire.

Further details can be found at the National Infrastructure Planning website.

Although outside of the jurisdiction of the Isle of Man, the Government has been involved in on-going dialogue with the developers about the potential impacts on the Isle of Man.

Following the submission of the Application for the Development Consent Order, The Isle of Man Government made a number of representations as follows to the UK Planning Inspectorate, who are the Examining Authority. These representations were prepared with input from Officers in the Departments of Infrastructure, Economic Development and Environment, Food & Agriculture.

On Tuesday 18 March 2014, the Examining Authority held two hearings as part of the process at the Villa Marina in Douglas.

The morning hearing was issue specific on air navigation issues. In the afternoon an open hearing was held which covered a number of issues including sea navigation, air navigation, socio-economic impact and visual impact.

Following the Hearings on 18 March 2014, at the request of the Examining Authority, the Isle of Man Government made a number of additional submissions: