Covid-19 Coronavirus

Health and Social Care News

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 21 July 2020

Since the last update (4pm Monday 20 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active cases...
Tuesday, 21 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 20 July 2020

Since the last update (4pm Friday 17 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active cases...
Monday, 20 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 17 July 2020

Since the last update (4pm Thursday 16 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active...
Friday, 17 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 16 July 2020

Since the last update (4pm Wednesday 15 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active...
Thursday, 16 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 15 July 2020

Since the last update (4pm Tuesday 14 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active cases...
Wednesday, 15 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 14 July 2020

Since the last update (4pm Monday 13 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active cases...
Tuesday, 14 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus

Since the last update (4pm Friday 10 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active cases...
Monday, 13 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 10 July 2020

Since the last update (4pm Thursday 09 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active...
Friday, 10 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 9 July 2020

Since the last update (4pm Wednesday 08 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active...
Thursday, 9 July 2020

No active cases of coronavirus - 4pm 8 June 2020

Since the last update (4pm Tuesday 07 July) there have been no further confirmed positive tests for coronavirus. This means the Isle of Man has no active cases...
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
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