Spring cleaning the countryside

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

With Spring well underway, the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture is inviting farmers to clear their land of plastic waste in a scheme jointly administered with the Waste Management Unit at the Department of Infrastructure.

The scheme allows farmers to collect plastics such as silage wrap and clean, empty plastic containers (but not tyres or wood) and deliver them to any of the following sites:

  • Monday 7th May to Saturday 12th May - Old Civic Amenity site at Point of Ayre
  • Monday 14th May to Saturday 19th May - Balthane Farm, Balthane Industrial Estate

Both sites will be open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm; Saturday 8am to 12 noon (including Bank Holiday on May 7th). 

DEFA Minister, Phil Gawne, MHK said:

“I am delighted that we have been able to put this scheme in place again. The Manx countryside is an important national asset, producing a wide range of quality food, contributing to our quality of life and attracting tourists. Much of the land is used for agriculture so farmers have a key role to play in maintaining it. So far, this scheme has led to the safe disposal of nearly 200 tonnes of plastics with over 90 farmers participating in it last year. I hope that this year’s scheme will be used equally enthusiastically”

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