
Isle of Man Recreational Fisheries Management Board

Brown Trout swimming at the bottom of a riverThe Isle of Man Recreational Fisheries Management Board (RFMB), is a non-statutory advisory Board, constituted and formed by the Isle of Man Government Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA).

The Board seeks to promote the protection and management of the Isle of Man recreational marine and freshwater fisheries, providing recommendations to DEFA on appropriate conservation measures for each fishery, including advice on restrictions to daily catch, size limits and angling methods.

Specifically, the remit of the RFMB will include:

  • consideration of scientific advice presented by a relevant university and any other relevant, qualified scientific establishment;

  • consideration of best practice fisheries management practices;

  • support for the priority aims and objectives of the Isle of Man′s Native Freshwater Fisheries Strategy;

  • consideration of socio-economic influences which may affect the fisheries;

  • advising the Department on the introduction of management measures to ensure the protection of recreational freshwater and marine fish populations, including habitat management, natural resource use and technical measures, as appropriate;

  • making recommendations to the Department on further scientific research required in order to better understand and manage recreational freshwater and marine fish populations;

  • act as an independent fisheries advisory board to advise on matters that may affect or have an influence on Isle of Man recreational freshwater and marine fish populations

Once approved by the Board, minutes for the most recent meeting can be downloaded from this web page. For more information about the RFMB, please contact +44 1624 685837, or see the downloadable document 'The Isle of Man Recreational Fisheries Management Board: role - representation - responsibility'.

Please note - that prior to the establishment of the Recreational Fisheries Management Board, the ′Manx Anglers Forum′ existed as a forum for the Island′s angling community. This forum has now been discontinued since the Isle of Man Recreational Fisheries Management Board was established.