Discharge licenses

In 2005 the licensing of discharges into controlled waters was implemented through provisions outlined in the Water Pollution Act 1993. Any discharges which were present prior to the licensing scheme were given ‘existing’ licenses with limited conditions. New discharges to controlled waters are subject to a license application, modelling, consultation and specific conditions. The discharge of effluent from septic tanks to controlled waters was ceased with only discharges from private sewage treatment works allowed to enter any controlled waters.

DEFA’s policy for determining discharge licenses is outlined below which ensures that other options for disposal of effluent is considered before a discharge license application is progressed. The diagram below explains the policy with the full document available:

pointing down arrow to next step  Connection to Manx Utilities Infrastructure (Mains)

pointing down arrow to next step  Full Soak-away - Subject to percolation tests

pointing down arrow to next step  Partial Soak-away - Subject to percolation tests

pointing down arrow to next step  Discharge to watercourse

To apply for a discharge license please complete the application form and send it to environmentalprotection@gov.im or to the following address: 

Environmental Protection Unit

Department of Environment Food and Agriculture

Thie Slieau Whallian

Foxdale Road

St Johns


Telephone:+44 1624 685885

Email:Send Email

Below is a map detailing the location of all discharge licenses which have been issued by the Department.

Map locations of discharge licenses