Contact us by e-mail, in person, by post, via our social media channels or over the phone

If you contact us to make an enquiry about our services or the records in our care, you will need to provide us with your name, contact details and any other information necessary to enable us to help you. You may need to supply us with sensitive personal data if necessary to answer your enquiry (for example, if your enquiry is related to your personal healthcare record, family history etc., guardianship or adoption, etc.); such data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and respect.

We process this information to answer your enquiry or administer your reading room visit. We also use this information to answer any future related enquiries you make and further visits you make to the Record Office. We may share your information with other public bodies where this is necessary to deal with your enquiry or reading room visit (for example, allowing you to access closed records at your request).

Only the PRO team members and senior management can access the information; it will be held securely, for a minimum of 6 years and a maximum of 25 years, according to the retention periods defined by our retention schedule.