Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement Isle of Man, previously known as Young Enterprise, is a Manx-registered charity established on the Island since 1982. It is a member of the world’s largest non-profit making organisation dedicated to preparing future generations for the world of work. It recruits and trains volunteers from business and the wider community to work with teachers and students in the classrooms and delivers a range of educational programmes in both primary and secondary school, from the ages of 4 to 19 years. Its progammes focus on 'learning by doing' and include every student regardless of their academic ability. Volunteers are welcomed from all walks of life and do not necessarily have to work in business. For more information contact:

Junior Achievement

Suite 1

Peterson House

Middle River Industrial Estate

Douglas IM2 1AL

Telephone:+44 1624 666266

Email:Send Email

Junior Tynwald

A Junior Tynwald is organised annually and has traditionally been held in the last week of the summer term. It involves Year 12 students from each of the DEC's five secondary schools, who prepare questions and supplementary questions for Members of Tynwald. There are also debates on motions. In 2016 the Department of Education and Children, in conjunction with the Clerk Assistant to Tynwald organised a student convention held at the Barrool Suite. At the convention, students debated current issues in Island politics and used the gathering to arrive at questions and motions they would use in the July sitting. Organisation of the Junior Tynwald is co-ordinated by the Department of Education and Children in conjunction with the Clerk Assistant to Tynwald. For more information contact

Clerk of Tynwald's Office

Telephone:+44 1624 651502
