Pupils help to design new-look uniform

Monday, 8 July 2013

Pupils at two schools that are being merged have played a major role in designing their new-look uniform.

Auldyn Infants’ School and Scoill Ree Gorree will become a single school, Bunscoill Rhumsaa, from September. The schools sit side by side in Lezayre Road, Ramsey, and children progress from the infants to the juniors at the age of seven. The schools are already under a single headship, with Jacqueline Barrow in charge of both.

The name of the school was chosen after consultation with the local community. Now pupils have helped influence the uniform, submitting designs for a logo that have been incorporated into the final design for the sweatshirts pupils will wear.

School councils from both schools gathered ideas from classmates. Parents and pupils also put ideas into suggestion boxes.

Mrs Barrow explained that the sweatshirts would still be the distinctive red associated with Ree Gorree and the old Albert Road School as that was the most popular choice.

‘The logo was designed with input from all the children and incorporates elements representing the old schools (the swan of Auldyn and the Albert Tower of Ree Gorree/Albert Road) and new ideas,’ she said.
‘The children wanted the Ramsey landmark of the swing bridge included and it was agreed that the supports of the bridge would be people holding hands – representing the support of the community for one another.
‘The children also requested the Three Legs of Man so that anyone looking at it would know we are Manx. All these ideas were cleverly put together by Sarah Stephenson, a member of staff, and we are all delighted with the result.’

Pupils presented their ideas to governors to get their approval and then displayed them to parents at school.

School Uniform redesign

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