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Education Advice and Support (EAS)

Education Improvement Service

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The Department of Education, Sport and Culture employs a team of advisers, led by the Director of Education. The Primary role of the advisers is to support and develop learning in the Island’s schools and University College Isle of Man (UCM). Their role is both to advise and also quality assure the work of education providers through a system of School Self Review and Evaluation (SSRE). They manage a small team of advisory teachers whose role is to support schools in areas such as ICT, the Manx curriculum and Physical and emotional well-being. 

As part of their monitoring, evaluation and quality assurance role, advisers gain an overview of the performance of schools and ensure the policies of the Department are implemented. In addition, they contribute to the formation of these policies and lead professional research groups dedicated to the improvement of learning and pedagogy.  Experienced Headteachers and teachers are occasionally seconded to work on specific projects to support and develop the work of the schools. 

EAS School Advisers

The EAS team consists of 5 full-time advisers and 4 advisory teachers deployed in areas such as ICT, the Manx Curriculum and Physical and emotional well-being.

Primary and Secondary Advisers quality assure schools and other education providers through a half termly link process. Link visits are conducted focussing on a particular part of a school’s School Self Review and Evaluation (SSRE).

They also ensure the Department fulfils its responsibilities in relation to Section 50 of the Education Act 2001, which describes the arrangements for the inspection of schools. Along with the Director, advisers will support external validations of schools and establishments in concordance with the requirements set down by the 2001 act. 

A key strand to the work of EAS is one of innovation in learning. Advisers shape thinking, generate ideas and coordinate the Island’s learning research groups which consist of staff from across all phases and departments.

In addition, advisers undertake a wide range of day-to-day tasks that ensure the smooth running of the Island’s education system including support for the appointment, training and professional development of staff, whilst ensuring newly qualified teachers are appropriately supported through the NQT induction process.

Finally, they are often the Department's link with parents, other members of the public and other government departments, especially those dedicated to children's services. 

EAS Advisory teachers

The EAS Advisers lead a team of advisory teachers dedicated to specific parts of the Isle of Man curriculum. 

ATs will liaise with school leaders and DEC staff in order to support learning, to assist in raising educational standards and to support school improvement. This involves collaboration at classroom and strategic level. 


ICT advisory teachers support the School Improvement Adviser (ICT strategy) and Head of Digital Transformation for Education & Children (GTS) in setting the strategic direction for school’s ICT provision. ATs will support the education improvement service agenda, identifying and disseminating good practice, offering training and support for the use of ICT in all school.  

Manx Curriculum 

The Advisory Teacher for the Manx Curriculum supports Primary and Secondary schools, providing easily accessible resources that assist the teaching of Manx history, heritage and culture. Along with digital resources and curriculum materials, the Advisory Teacher also provides training and guidance for schools.  

Physical and Emotional Health 

The Physical and Emotional Health Education Officer coordinates health education programmes and provides on-going support and training for DEC staff in these areas:

  • Drugs and alcohol education
  • Sex and relationships education
  • Healthy diet
  • Emotional health and well-being
  • Physical activity

Support is given across all Key Stages and phases of education with close links to other sectors of government such as the Department of Health and Social Care. 

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