Research Governance and Regulation (RGR)

The Research Governance and Regulation Team within the Public Health Directorate is available to provide advice and guidance to health and social care researchers. This includes helping researchers to determine whether their proposals constitute research which requires an ethical review, to providing support during an application process and subsequent review by the Isle of Man Research Ethics Committee (IOMREC). 

If it is determined that a research proposal does require an ethical review, there are a number of stages in the application process: 

  • Stage 1: Determine if research proposal requires ethical review using decision tool. Use the Research application submissions decision tool to determine this

  • Stage 2: Discuss research proposal with Research, Governance and Regulation (RGR). Contact RGR

  • Stage 3: Submit research proposal via Integrated Ethics Portal (IEP). Create an IEP account or log into your existing IEP account

  • Stage 4: RGR review of submitted proposal. Keep in contact with RGR

  • Stage 5: IOMREC review of submitted proposal at scheduled meeting. Refer to timetable on the IOM Research Ethics Committee (IOMREC) page for key dates & deadlines

  • Stage 6: Decision issued by IOMREC as favourable or unfavourable. Applicant will be notified of decision and if any further action or information is required

Research proposals may be referred back to the applicant at any stage if further action or information is required. 

Below is a diagram of the IOMREC Application Process:

IOMREC Application Process

For more information please visit the IOM Research Ethics Committee page

Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care document coverResearch Governance Framework for Health and Social Care

This document sets out principles of good practice in the management and conduct of health and social care research on the Isle of Man.

Reviewed: May 2023