
Shigellosis is an infectious illness that is recognised initially by the symptoms. These can include severe diarrhoea (often with blood or mucous), vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. These symptoms can last from several days to several weeks, but usually 4 to 7 days.

It is caused by the shigella bacteria entering the body through the mouth usually from unwashed hands and sometimes from infected food or drink. Possible routes of the infection are:

  • infection from contaminated objects such as toys, door handles, pencils, cutlery etc

  • infection from food prepared by someone who already has the infection, and

  • drinking contaminated water or milk

It can be spread from person to person. If an infected person does not wash his or her hands properly after going to the toilet their hands may be contaminated with the bacteria. They can then pass the infection on, either by direct contact with other people, or, indirectly, by preparing food or touching objects like those described in the previous section.

It is also possible to be a carrier and to spread germs without having any symptoms or even knowing that you are infected.

People with diarrhoea and vomiting symptoms are the greatest risk. Once the symptoms have gone, the chances of spreading the infection are reduced. Anyone who has diarrhoea would be well advised to temporarily reduce social contact with others.

If you handle food or drink or are in contact with young children or elderly people in the course of your daily work you should inform your employer or supervisor.

Precautionary measures

Ensure hands are washed thoroughly and regularly. Soap, hot water and a nail brush should be used. Small children should have their hands washed for them.

Wash hands before:

  • preparing or serving food and drink
  • handling children or babies, and
  • eating or drinking

Wash hands after:

  • using or cleaning the toilet
  • attending to someone suffering from shigellosis
  • changing babies nappies, and
  • handling soiled clothes or sheet

Boil soiled laundry for 10 minutes or wash using the hot setting on a domestic washing machine. Alternatively soak in a recommended disinfectant.

Use rubber gloves when cleaning the toilet.

After the toilet has been used, wipe the flush handle, seat, light switch and door handle with a suitable disinfectant.

Use separate towels and flannels for each person in the household.

Handle food as little as possible, particularly when it is going to be eaten by other people.