Director of Public Health Annual Report


Director of Public Health Annual Report:

The Isle of Man - An Equal Society 2019

The 2019 report is intended to show how variations in health and wellbeing are linked to differences in socio-economic status, discuss some of the indicators that have been developed elsewhere to measure inequalities and look at how actions to address them can be organised across government, the third and private sectors and communities.

We have an extraordinary opportunity as a small island nation to address inequalities through coordinated action through government policy and service delivery, and the contribution of those beyond Government. However, at present we simply do not know what inequalities there are across our population, whether our current policies and interventions are addressing and changing these, or whether we have gaps that we are not currently addressing at all.

Read the report

Previous reports:

2018: Childhood Healthy Weight – The Road to a Better Future

2017: A Healthy Island? 

For Further Information:

Public Health Directorate

Cabinet Office

Cronk Coar

Noble’s Hospital



Isle of Man


Telephone:+44 01624 642639

Email:Send Email

Reviewed: May 2021