Lose Weight

64% of Isle of Man residents are overweight or obese. If you are overweight or obese, you may have a higher risk of certain health problems. Maintaining a healthy weight can help you control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It might also help you prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers.

What is a healthy weight?

Eating too much or not being physically active enough can make you overweight. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat. Being a healthy weight is about balancing what you regularly eat in your diet with how physically active you are on a daily basis.

BMI scale with man and woman icon on either sideNot sure if you are at a healthy weight? Try using the NHS BMI calculator to help guide you.

Weight-control techniques for someone who is overweight might include choosing low-fat, low-calorie foods, eating smaller portions, drinking water instead of sugary drinks and being more physically active.

The free NHS Weight Loss App is a great tool to help you start healthier eating habits, be more active, and start losing weight.

Weight loss iconDownload the app from the App Store
Download the app from Google Play

Not sure what weight your child should be?
Take a look at Change4Life’s child weight page for more information on helping your child reach a healthy weight.

A healthy diet

Visit our Diet page for more information on choosing the right foods and portion sizes to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals you need without overindulging on calories.

Drinking also plays a part in our weight as alcoholic drinks amount to a high number of calories. Keeping track of the amount of alcohol you drink will help you manage your weight better. Try the app:

Drink Free Days helps you track your alcohol consumption and offers tips and reminders for cutting back.

Drink free days app iconDownload the Drink free days app from the App Store
Download the Drink free days app from Google Play

Dos and Don’ts of losing weight

If you’re thinking of losing weight, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are a lot of resources out there to help you, but knowing what to do and what to avoid can help make it easier to get started. Here are some tips for what you should and shouldn’t do as part of your weight loss plan:


  • Do make goals achievable – take every day at a time and don’t expect too much all at once

  • Do eat regular meals – skipping meals doesn’t help in the long run, it just makes you want to eat more later

  • Do drink plenty of water – water helps to feel fuller for longer and flush your system

  • Do read food labels – see exactly what it is you are eating (it may not actually be that healthy)

  • Do get enough sleep – sleep helps to regulate the appetite, so you don’t get irritable

  • Do try out the NHS weight loss app – it will help you develop healthier habits


  • Don’t focus only on the scales – you could use your clothes or old photos as a measure so you can see physical changes

  • Don’t rely on exercise only – exercise is good but to lose weight, diet comes first

  • Don’t skip breakfast – by skipping breakfast you could miss out on essential nutrients and may end up snacking more throughout the day

  • Don’t cut out entire food groups – be careful of fad diets and seek advice from a trusted source first

  • Don’t cut out treats entirely – cutting out sugary and fatty foods entirely may cause cravings and lead to binge eating

  • Don’t go it alone – get support from friends, your GP, other professionals and online resources