Measures and milestones will help the public to judge Government’s performance

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

A document setting out ways for the public to assess the performance of Government over the next four years has been launched by Chief Minister Howard Quayle MHK. 

Delivering the Programme for Government includes three key strategic measures of progress:

  • Increasing median earnings – showing that more people are sharing in economic success
  • Reducing Government’s structural deficit (the gap between receipts and spending) - making public finances more sustainable
  • Increasing the economically active population –  meaning there are more jobs and opportunities available 

The document also lays down milestones for delivering a list of more than 90 actions, setting deadlines for completion and identifying which Minister or Departmental Member has lead political responsibility. 

Delivering the Programme for Government will be moved for approval at the April sitting of Tynwald. 

In the foreword the Chief Minister describes the performance framework as ‘the most comprehensive attempt yet to transparently report on Government’s progress.’ 

When the Programme for Government was unanimously approved by Tynwald in January this year, notes Mr Quayle, the most consistent message from Members was that Government had to be accountable for delivery. It had to demonstrate, in an open and transparent way, how it was performing against the objectives and outcomes that the Council of Ministers had outlined in the Programme. 

The Chief Minister writes:

‘I hope that this document Delivering the Programme for Government will show how the Government intends to openly measure its performance and to allow Tynwald and the public to hold it accountable for delivery. It should be read alongside the Programme for Government. 

‘The strategic objectives, outcomes and policy statements within our Programme for Government will all have some form of measurement attached to them which can be viewed online. We will also publish progress updates on the actions to which we have committed in the Programme for Government. 

‘All Departments have been asked to complete a delivery plan which shows how they will contribute to achieving the aims set out in the Programme for Government. 

‘This information will all be available online on the Government website 

‘This performance framework is the most comprehensive attempt yet to transparently report on Government’s progress. 

‘It will take some time to be established, and will be subject to further development over time. Despite this, I believe this sends a clear signal that the Council of Ministers is serious about being open, transparent and accountable in the delivery of its Programme for Government.’ 

Read the Delivering the Programme for Government document. 

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