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Living up to the Promise

Our people are at the heart of our national identity. This means that even in our everyday activities we can all make a real contribution to our national identity. The questions below may help you think about how you can bring the Isle of Man promise to life.

In your business or community group:

  • Do you have a clear and compelling strategy for the future, designed to deliver services which are better?
  • Is your communication activity powerful, factual and consistent with the Freedom to Flourish guidelines?
  • Do you help your clients to flourish by delivering high quality, superior value and great service?
  • Do you help employees reach their full potential through objective, yet positive appraisal, skills training and personal development?
  • Do you celebrate successes within your organisation and the wider community?

There are other questions we can ask ourselves that prompt us to look at our personal commitment to enhancing the Isle of Man’s national identity:

  • Do you provide a warm welcome to visitors?
  • Do you take time to learn about our history and culture by visiting our heritage sites and museums?
  • Do you take pride in our Island, doing your bit to ensure our environment remains as beautiful as it is?
  • Do you take pride in our Island, doing your bit to ensure our environment remains as beautiful as it is?
  • Do you help others to flourish by teaching, coaching, caring or giving?


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