Home and Neighbourhood News

Coin set celebrates women’s historic first votes in 1881

A collection of four coins has been launched to commemorate the 140th anniversary of women being granted the right to vote in the Isle of Man. The...
Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Alfred Cannan appointed as Isle of Man’s Chief Minister

Hon Alfred Cannan MHK has been appointed as the Isle of Man's Chief Minister following a resolution at a special sitting of the House of Keys today. Mr...
Tuesday, 12 October 2021

General Election Douglas South constituency-wide voting trial

Registered voters in Douglas South will be allowed to cast their vote at any polling station within their constituency this year as part of a pilot scheme. It...
Thursday, 9 September 2021

Residents reminded to complete the Census

Island residents are being reminded to submit their census forms if they have not already done so. The Census is a national survey of all people and households...
Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Isle of Man Housing Market Review 2020 published

A report containing a wealth of information on the Manx housing market has today been published by the Isle of Man Government. Compiled by the Economic Affairs...
Monday, 16 August 2021

Dry weather leads to countryside fire warning

People are asked to avoid lighting fires or barbeques when visiting the countryside as the dry conditions have increased the risk to people and wildlife. The...
Thursday, 22 July 2021

Chief Minister takes over responsibility for Department for Enterprise

The Chief Minister has taken up the role as the Minister for Enterprise.  It follows the election of The Hon Laurence Skelly MLC as President of Tynwald. Upon...
Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Ramsey Town Commissioners to take on management of Government housing stock in Bride

Ramsey Town Commissioners is the latest local authority to sign up to a pilot scheme to manage and maintain Government-owned public sector housing stock. The...
Friday, 9 July 2021

Solution found to avoid removal of 25 Elm trees on Braaid Road

This morning (Friday 2 July) the Minister for Environment, Food and Agriculture Geoffrey Boot MHK, the Chair of the Planning Committee Martyn Perkins MHK, and...
Friday, 2 July 2021

Pre-election meetings to take place around the Island

The Isle of Man Government is organising and funding a new system of public meetings ahead of this year’s House of Keys General Election. The intention is to...
Thursday, 17 June 2021