Passports to continue with no Express Service

Thursday, 5 October 2023

The Express 5 day passport service suspension has been extended, visit the passport page for more infoThe suspension of the 5 day express service will be extended until December 2023. This means that only the standard or emergency passport services will continue to be offered.

The suspension was announced earlier this year due to changes in the delivery service to the Island, staffing challenges and the significant increase in the number of applications. These issues meant that the five-day turnaround was unable to be met.

To ensure that customers are receiving a guaranteed and reliable service, the decision was taken to suspend the service which was undeliverable.

Service delivery of the Standard Passport Service can be up to 28 working days.

Carl Fielding, Passports, Immigration and Nationality Operational Manager, said:

‘Passport Officers affirm that they are dedicated to delivering their services without uncertainty for applicants. If you have any overseas travel planned in the next couple of months, please take time to check the expiry dates on your family’s Isle of Man (British Variant) Passports so you can take action in good time if you need to’

A further review of timescales will be undertaken at the end of the year.

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