Courts of Justice

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Small Claims Procedure

Small Claims

The small claims procedure is a court procedure which provides a simple and informal way of resolving disputes. You should be able to process your claim without the need for an advocate. This section of the website explains the sort of cases that are likely to be dealt with in the small claims procedure and how the cases will be handled.

As a general guide to the small claims process, you should read this section of the website completely before you begin proceedings. There is also information for defendants. In order to help you find the information that you require, at whatever stage of the proceedings you are at, the information has been divided up into the sections listed below. Use the link to go directly to the information you wish to view.

It is important to note that the following content is general guidance only and is NOT intended as definitive legal advice. If you have any questions regarding the claims procedure it is recommended that you seek legal advice. A list of Manx advocates is available on the Isle of Man Law Society website.

Information for Claimants

Information for Defendants

Please remember that this section of the website can only provide you with a general idea of what is likely to happen. The website cannot explain everything about court rules, costs and procedures which may affect different claims in different ways. Court staff can provide you with information, tell you about court forms and procedures, but they cannot give you legal advice or answer questions like "Will I win my case?", "What evidence do I need?" You should seek legal advice from an advocate.

A list of Manx advocates is available through the Isle of Man Law Society.

Page last updated on 3 September 2009