Courts of Justice

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First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls sworn into office - Courts of Justice Press Release

Ferghus, Charlie, Barbara, David and George DoyleHis Honour Deemster Doyle was sworn into office as First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls on Monday 20th December 2010 at the Isle of Man Courts of Justice in the presence of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor Vice Admiral Sir Paul Haddacks KCB.

His Excellency read and presented the warrant of appointment signed by Her Majesty the Queen which referred to “Our Trusty and Well-beloved David Charles Doyle”.

Deemster Doyle took the Oath of Allegiance and the Oath of Deemster which referred to dealing with matters “without respect of favour or friendship, love or gain” and as “indifferently as the Herrring Backbone doth lie in the midst of the Fish” and then signed the Liber Juramentorum which forms part of the public records of the island and which is signed by all Deemsters and other public office holders. The first written reference to Deemsters is traced back to the early 1400s.

His Honour Judge of Appeal Tattersall welcomed the new First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls as did John Corlett Her Majesty’s Attorney General and Jonathan Wild the President of the Isle of Man Law Society.

Deemster Doyle thanked his predecessors in office including Deemsters Cain and Kerruish for the massive contribution they had made to the administration of justice.

Deemster Doyle spoke of the importance of an independent Manx legal profession and an independent Manx legal system. He referred to his strong belief in democratic values including adherence to the rule of law. Deemster Doyle thanked his judicial colleagues, support staff and friends and family for their support and concluded:

“I greatly look forward to taking on the exciting challenges that will, no doubt, be presented to me in my capacity as the Island’s First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls. It is with great pride and renewed enthusiasm that I willingly take on these new responsibilities.”

Photo Caption: Ferghus, Charlie, Barbara, David and George Doyle

23rd December 2010

Courts of Justice
Deemster's Walk
Bucks Road
Isle of Man
Telephone:01624 685265