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Isle of Man Courts School Visits Prize 2011 - Courts of Justice Press Release

Presentation of the Isle of Man Courts School Visits Prize 2011

Lauren Roberts a student at Castle Rushen High School has recently been awarded the Isle of Man Courts School Visits Prize 2011.

CRHS student receiving the IoM Sch prize from Deemster Doyle
(L-R) Stephen Cregeen the Chief Registrar, Jackie Roberts, Lauren Roberts, Deemster Doyle, Sally Ashworth of Castle Rushen High School

Lauren was one of over one hundred students from the Island’s secondary schools who participated in visits to the Isle of Man Courts of Justice earlier this year organised by Chief Registrar Stephen Cregeen. The visits took place over two days and the students were familiarised with the court building and were given presentations by Deemster Doyle, Her Majesty’s First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls, in respect of the Manx legal system and the Manx judiciary. Lively question and answer sessions followed prior to the students completing a set of written questions.

Deemster Doyle commented:

“On my recent appointment as First Deemster I felt that it was important to raise the profile of and to stimulate some healthy interest in our independent Manx legal system amongst the local and international community. These secondary school visits are an important part of that process. It is important that awareness of our independent legal system is increased both locally and internationally.
I congratulate Lauren on her excellent written responses to a variety of questions on the Manx legal system and her awareness of and interest in our independent system of law. I wish her well in her exams and in her future chosen career.”

Isle of Man Courts of Justice

May 2011

11th May 2011

Courts of Justice
Deemster's Walk
Bucks Road
Isle of Man
Telephone:01624 685265