Covid-19 Coronavirus

Cervical screening programme

Coronavirus update

Invitations for cervical screening are now being sent out.

Contact your GP surgery online or by phone if you think you are due to have cervical screening but have not been sent an invite.

It's important to go to your appointment unless you or someone you live with has symptoms of coronavirus. All NHS services are making sure it's safe for you to attend.

Isle of Man Anti-Cancer, Staywell Clinic recommenced their services on 7 September 2020 and can now be contacted for an appointment.

Cervical screening and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) testing

Looking for HPV as the first test for all screening samples was introduced into the Isle of Man Cervical Screening Programme from August 2018 and has been adopted by the UK.

HPV is a very common virus. Most women get it at some point in their lives. Some types of HPV can cause abnormal cells in the cervix.

Cervical cancer is more common if you:

  • Smoke
  • First had sex at an early age
  • Have had several sexual partners or have had a sexual partner who has had several other partners
  • Take immunosuppressant drugs (for example, after an organ transplant)

Your invitation to take part in this programme

All women aged 25 to age 64 are eligible to participate in the Cervical Screening programme.

  • Currently women aged 25 - 49 are called for screening every 3 years
  • Women aged  50 - 64 every 5 years

If you have passed the menopause, you still need to be tested to check that your cervix is healthy.

Ask your doctor for advice if you:

  • Have had a hysterectomy
  • Are over 65
  • Have never had sex with a man
  • You are not sure whether you still need to be tested

After your first screening appointment you will automatically be called back for routine screening in 3 or 5 years’ time (depending on your age).

It should also be noted that your contact details are provided by your GP, so it is worth checking that these are up-to-date. For changes to any of your personal information, please contact your Registered GP Practice.

Test process

On receipt of your invitation, you should make an appointment with your GP or Practice Nurse who will carry out your test. If you prefer a female member of staff, or would like someone with you, please ask when you make your appointment.

Appointments can also be made at the Staywell Clinic located in Noble’s Hospital.

Find out more about cervical screening from one of our Sexual Health experts    

Cervical screening can often be fearful, embarrassing or uncomfortable for many people. We’ve asked one of our Sexual Health nurses to describe the screening process, why we do it and more about what you can expect.       

You can also view the NHS Cervical Screening Test video to find out what happens during your screening appointment.


It takes a few weeks to process your result, and you should receive a letter around four weeks after your sample was taken.

If you have not received your results within four weeks please contact the Screening Office.

For more detailed information on this programme please view our information leaflets.

If you wish to opt-out of future invitations for this programme please complete this online digital form after your GP or Practice Nurse can advise or support you further in making this decision.

Screening Programme Administrator:

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