Covid-19 Coronavirus

Employment requirements

An individual may benefit from the scheme if, within the required timescale, they take up employment that meets the following requirements:

  • It is permanent employment
  • It is undertaken in the Island
  • A minimum annual gross remuneration of £23,000 or a contract of employment to provide a minimum annual gross remuneration of £23,000  (£21,000 if employment commenced before 6 April 2023)

The remuneration requirement does not apply if the individual is a returning student.

To qualify for a refund, the person must remain in employment for a period of more than 12 consecutive months. The person is only entitled to one refund. 

In addition, the employer must be Isle of Man resident for National Insurance purposes.

A person who meets the requirements of the scheme will be able to apply for a refund of their Class 1 National Insurance contributions paid as an employee during the relevant 12 months of their permanent employment in the Isle of Man up to a maximum of £4,400 (£4,000 prior to 6 April 2023). Contributions refunded under the scheme will still be treated as paid for all other purposes.

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