Keeping up-to-date

Reminder to submit annual returns

Your personal income tax return must be completed and returned by 6 October annually.

Failure to submit the return by the due date will result in an automatic penalty of £100 which will be due and payable immediately. A further penalty of £200 will be charged if your return is still outstanding by 5 April the year following.

If you have not received a return and are not sure whether you need to complete one, please contact us on +44 1624 685400.

Please remember that if you have a tax agent your return will have been sent to them unless you have instructed us otherwise, and you should contact your agent initially. 

Have you changed address?

Every year hundreds of people move address and some fail to inform us of their move. This could result in delays in processing your assessment and getting any refund to you. The absence of an address will slow down these processes, but it will not prevent penalties being triggered if, for example, you do not receive a return form before the date on which it should be submitted.

You can inform us of address changes by using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

You can also update your own address record by using the Online Tax Services once you have registered and enrolled for Individual Tax Services.

Changes affecting your tax code

We will look at your code when preparing your latest assessment, but we then have to rely on you to inform us when changes affecting your code take place, such as:

  • Paying off a loan that you have been claiming tax relief for
  • Being given the use of an asset owned by your employer (e.g. a car, or accommodation)
  • Taking out a new loan that may qualify for tax relief

If changes occur you should tell us immediately to reduce the risk of under or over payments of income tax. You can inform us of changes by using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

Reminder to New Residents

Please note, you are required to submit a tax return annually whether we issue one to you or not. If you have not already done so, you should register for Isle of Man income tax as soon as possible.

Complete form R25 or contact us using the details below.

Penalties may be due if you register late and have not submitted a completed income tax return by the due date.

Leaving the Island

If you are leaving the Island permanently, you must file a return for the period you were resident in your final year.

Failure to submit the return within 6 months of the date of your departure will trigger an automatic £100 penalty.

You should contact us when details of your departure are confirmed to obtain the return(s) needed to bring your income tax affairs to a close here on the Isle of Man.

Reminder to trustees of trusts and settlements

Income tax returns for trusts and settlements must also be completed and submitted by 6 October annually in order to avoid a penalty notice.

If you have not received an income tax return and you have not been advised in writing that the trust or settlement is not required to submit annual income tax returns, please contact us on +44 1624 685400.