
Fluoroscopy is a study of moving body structures, similar to an x-ray “movie”. A continuous x-ray beam is passed through the body part being examined and transmitted to a TV-like monitor so that the body part and its motion can be seen in detail.


Depending on the examination you are having you may have to follow a restricted diet for a few hours before your procedure.

The examination will be carried out by a radiologist and a radiographer and some fluoroscopy procedures also involve a Speech & Language Therapist. If you are having a barium meal/swallow/follow through which looks at specific parts of your gastrointestinal tract, we will ask you to drink some cups of barium. We will then take x-rays at various intervals to follow the barium through your body.

Barium is harmless chalky liquid but may take several days to pass through your system after the procedure so you should drink plenty of fluids in the day or two following your examination. You may notice your stools are a whitish colour for a few day until you have expelled all of the barium from your system.

Your results are normally with your referring clinician or GP within 5-7 working days. If you are an in-patient, the results will be given to the doctors looking after you on the ward, in most cases this will be on the same day.

Other fluoroscopy procedures look at gynaecology or urology problems or can help with pain management by using the x-ray movie to have a joint injection.