Covid-19 Coronavirus

Your responsibilities as a patient

Please follow the advice given to you by health professionals:

  • Please comply with our systems and procedures
  • Please be considerate to other people using the service and to the staff who provide it
  • Please attend your appointments promptly - if you have difficulty attending or need to cancel, please write or telephone so that your appointment can be offered to another patient
  • Please let us know your views on the services we provide for you.

To help us provide the best and most effective service, try to follow a healthy lifestyle, for example:

  • try to be well informed about your health or condition; ask questions so that you can make informed decisions
  • know your medical history and, if you have any allergies or any known adverse reactions to medicines, be prepared to tell the staff who need to know about any treatment you are receiving
  • follow any treatment prescribed or health advice offered. If you are unwilling or unable to do this, please inform your doctor or nurse
  • information leaflets on healthy lifestyles are available on all wards and in outpatients departments. Please help yourself to this free source of information and advice.
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