Can I give blood?

Giving blood

Blood drop

The Isle of Man Blood Donor service calls upon the generosity of its donors according to usage demand. The number of times you could donate in a year will therefore vary.

  • Male donors could be eligible to give blood at a maximum frequency of every 12 weeks (four times per year) but normally less often

  • Female donors could be eligible to give blood at a maximum frequency of every 16 weeks (three times per year) but normally less often

  • Women between the ages of 17 and 19 who weigh less than 10 stone 3lbs (65kg) and whose height is below 5 feet 6 inches (168cm) need to have their blood volume estimated before giving blood. Please see the chart below for further information on this. If your blood volume is within the shaded area, you will be unable to donate until after your 20th birthday

This additional guideline has been introduced to minimise the risk of feeling unwell or faint after giving blood.

Blood chart

The following information is a guide to help you decide if you are eligible to give blood, and to ensure the safety of donors and patients who may receive your blood.

You should not give blood if:

  • You are a male donor with less than 12 weeks interval between donations

  • You are a female donor with less than 16 weeks interval between donations

  • You have a sore throat, chesty cough or active cold sore. You can donate once you are feeling well (end of a cold is ok) and the cold sore is dry and healing

  • You are currently taking antibiotics or you have just finished a course within the last 7 days or have had an infection in the last 2 weeks

  • You have had hepatitis or jaundice in the last 12 months

  • You have had a tattoo, semi-permanent make up or any cosmetic treatments that involves skin piercing in the last 4 months

  • You have had acupuncture in the last 4 months

  • A member of your family (parent, brother, sister or child) has suffered with CJD (Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease)

  • You have ever received human pituitary extract (which was used in some growth hormone or fertility treatments before 1985)

  • You have received blood or think you may have received blood during the course of any medical treatment or procedure anywhere in the world since 1 January 1980

You may not give blood if:

  • You think you need a test for HIV/AIDS, HTLV or hepatitis

  • You have had a serious illness or major surgery in the past or are currently on medication. The reason you are taking medication may prevent you from giving blood

  • You have had complicated dental work. Simple fillings are ok after 24 hours; simple extractions are ok after 7 days

  • You have been in contact with an infectious disease in the last 4 weeks

  • You are presently on a hospital waiting list or undergoing medical tests

  • You have got or had any heart conditions

  • You do not weigh over 7stone 12lbs (50kgs). Please note, if you are female and aged between 17 and 19 years, weigh less than 10 stone 3lbs (65kgs) and are less than 5 feet 6 inches (168cm) in height, we need to confirm your estimated blood volume is over 3500ml

You should never give blood if:

  • You are HIV positive or receiving treatment for HIV

  • You are HTLV positive

  • You are a hepatitis B carrier

  • You are a hepatitis C carrier

  • You have ever been diagnosed with syphilis, even if treated

  • You have ever injected or been injected with drugs, even a long time ago or only once. This includes bodybuilding drugs, injected tanning agents and injected chemsex drugs. You may be able to donate if a doctor prescribed the drugs though, so please ask

You must not donate for at least 3 months if:

  • You are working as a sex worker. You may be accepted for donation if it is longer than three months since you last received money or drugs for anal, vaginal or oral sex

Individual risk criteria

  • You must not donate for at least three months if you have taken part in chemsex activity, including the use of stimulant drugs. This risk applies for all sexual contact

  • You must not donate if you have been diagnosed with gonorrhoea, until at least three months after completion of treatment and discharge from further follow up

  • You must not donate if, in the last three months:
    • you have had more than one sexual partner AND
    • you have had anal sex with any of your partners

  • You must not donate if in the last three months, you have had anal sex with a new sexual partner. For the purpose of donor selection, a new partner is someone that you have not had sex with before or a previous partner with whom you have restarted a sexual relationship

  • If you are in a sexual relationship with one partner only, you can donate once it is three months from the date of first sexual contact, even if you are having anal sex

Partner risk criteria

You must not donate for at least three months after sexual contact with a partner who is, or you think may be:

  • HIV or HTLV positive

  • A hepatitis B carrier

  • A hepatitis C carrier

  • A partner who has ever received money or drugs for sex

  • A partner who has ever injected, or been injected with, drugs, even if it was a long time ago or only once. This includes bodybuilding drugs, injected tanning agents and injected chemsex drugs. You may be able to give blood if a doctor prescribed the drugs, and so please ask

You must not donate for at least three months if:

  • You have taken Pre-Exposure Prophlyaxis (PrEP) / Truvada® for prevention of HIV

  • You have taken or been prescribed Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for prevention of HIV

If the underlying reason for taking PrEP or PEP warrants a longer deferral period, this should be applied.


  • You should not give blood if you are pregnant or you are a woman who has had a baby in the last 6 months

  • You can donate if you are breast feeding

  • If you have had a miscarriage or termination before 12 weeks it may be possible for you to donate


Please inform the session staff if you have travelled outside of the UK as it may affect whether you can give blood or not.  Mosquitoes and other insect bites can cause travel related infections and our session staff need to ensure that you are ok to give blood on the day.

Alternatively you may call our donor secretaries on +44 1624 650637 for further details or check the blood donor guidelines directly for countries/areas you have visited.  

If you have any questions or queries about your eligibility to donate please contact us:

Isle of Man Blood Transfusion Service

Pathology Department

Nobles Hospital





9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Telephone:+44 1624 650637

Email:Send Email