Library Services


Joining the library can be done via our registration form. Users will be given a library membership card which they should bring with them when they use the library.

We cater to DHSC/Manx Care, as well as other government employees, or those studying for relevant qualifications.

Online forms - Athens registration and Library Registration can only be completed using Windows Explorer 7 and above. If your browser is older please contact the library using the details at the foot of this page so an alternative means of registration can be sent to you.

Library catalogue

The library catalogue is now available online

You can search for library resources by author, title, keyword and subject. The catalogue is live therefore if an item is out on loan it will state this.

Once you have logged on to the catalogue with your username and PIN number (which can be obtained from the library) you can view your own account and renew and reserve items. 

Library stock

A comprehensive stock, including audio-visual materials, which cover a wide range of subjects - nursing, medicine, allied health, mental health, midwifery, management, psychology, sociology and other related areas.

There is a well-stocked Reference Section arranged in various categories - for example, dictionaries, standard textbooks, directories, drugs and pharmacology, education and training.

We have over 200 journal titles, across a wide range of disciplines. Holding lists can be found in print format in the library and on our web page. These show titles and duration.


Members can borrow up to 6 items for a loan period of 4 weeks. Non-current journals can be loaned for one week. Overdue letters will be sent out for late return of materials via email wherever possible.

Recommend a Book

There is a suggestion box on the library counter where suggestions for new resources for the library can be submitted. You can also speak to one of the library staff or send an e-mail to of any recommendations and why we should purchase the book. The Library Manager will consider such requests and advise accordingly. 


Members can reserve items that are out on loan.


Photocopying is available in the library. The present charge is 5 pence per sheet. When photocopying please be aware of copyright law. If you are unsure ask a member of staff.

Inter-library loans

Books and journals not held in the library collection can be obtained from other sources, for example The British Library and libraries in the North West. All requests are processed by library staff within 24 hours. There is no charge for this service unless we have to apply to the British Library. Please ask staff for details. Inter-Library Loan Book Request and Article Request Forms are available from the library and can also be downloaded on this page.

Internet access/electronic resources

The library provides access to online journals, books, and databases. Some resources are password protected and you will need to register for an Athens password.

There are government and off-network computers available in the library. All users are reminded that they must comply with government and hospital policies on appropriate use. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and/or being banned from further use of the facility.

Wi-Fi is also available within Keyll Darree building and there are signs around the library with login information.

Information retrieval skills

We provide information retrieval skills training sessions and guides for users conducting their own searches. These are available to download from our web site as PDF's, there are also various online tutorials. We also provide the opportunity for user's to conduct an assisted search with a member of staff or the library staff can do the search on your behalf. Please contact a member of staff for details, contacts below.

New books list

The library produces a monthly new books list of titles which have been ordered. A copy of the new books list can be downloaded on this page.

Current Awareness Service

IN THE KNOW current awareness bulletin produced weekly, this bulletin covers local and national health and social care news, including current news items, evidence-based practice, reports, guidelines and documents. To subscribe to this service and receive weekly emails contact a member of staff.

Binding Service

For registered members, we provide a binding service for your assignment or essential documents. Up to 130 pages at a standard charge of £2.50.

Ask a Librarian

Keyll Darree Library



Isle of Man


Telephone: +44 01624 642993 / +44 1624 642974

Email:Send Email