Change company details

If you are responsible for keeping the records of a company up to date, there are a number of forms that require filing with this office when changes occur.

In most cases, these forms are free to file, provided they are filed within a calendar month of the date of change.

Documents are not considered registered until they have been checked for completeness and consistency. If a document is rejected for any reason, late fees may become payable. We highly recommend you lodge documents on or as soon after the effective date as possible.

A full list of forms is available.  However, some of the more common forms are detailed below.

Change in officer details

Form 9N

Whenever a director or secretary is appointed or resigns, and whenever a change such as the name, address, or nationality occurs in the details of an existing director or secretary, you must submit a form 9N within a calendar month from the date of the change. The form requires you to list the change(s) and the date(s) and requires any new person appointed to consent in writing to his appointment. Late fees are payable if the form is not submitted in time.

The form 9N is subject to filing penalties if filed late. There are two levels of late fee, measured from the stated date of change (not the date on which the form is signed). If a number of changes are stated on the same form, the late penalty is measured from the earliest change stated.

  • 1 month and 1 day to 3 months from date of change: £100
  • more than 3 months: £250

Change of registered office

Form 4

If your company changes its registered office, you must file form 4 within one month of the change.

The form 4 is subject to filing penalties if filed late. There are two levels of late fee, measured from the stated date of change (not the date on which the form is signed).

  • 1 month and 1 day to 3 months: £100
  • more than 3 months: £250

Important: Notices and other official documents are liable to be sent to the registered office as stated on our records. If you do not tell us about a change, you may not become aware of important information regarding your company. This may result in your company being struck off the register or you may suffer serious financial or legal consequences.

Increasing the capital or allotting shares

Forms 10 and 45 

If you increase the nominal share capital of your company or issue new shares, then you are required to file a form 10 in the first case and a form 45 in the latter.

Both forms are subject to filing penalties if filed late. There are two levels of late fee, measured from the stated date of change (not the date on which the form is signed).

  • 1 month and 1 day to 3 months: £100
  • more than 3 months: £250