Farm & Horticultural Improvement Scheme

Monday, 22 April 2013

The Department of Environment, Food & Agriculture acknowledges that some farmers suffered damage to their boundary fencing during the recent adverse weather and is pleased to open the Farm & Horticultural Improvement Scheme today. The application window will be open until 4pm on Friday 10th May 2013, with the emphasis on supporting those who experienced snow-damage to their boundary fencing.

Minister Gawne said:

“I am pleased to be able to support those famers who have been affected during the recent adverse weather. The snow caused serious damage to boundary fencing in some areas and this is a priority to put right for the safety of stock and road users alike.”

This round will be weighted towards snow-damaged boundary fencing and those applications will follow a fast-track process. There is a further round planned for later in the year, dates to be advised.

For further information, please contact:  or +44 1624 685844. 

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