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Does the Department produce a league table of secondary schools?

No. Any such table would be misleading as it would emphasise just 1 aspect of student attainment when there are several key indicators of performance which help to provide a clearer and more balanced picture of how well schools and students are performing. A league table would also emphasise just 1 year when, in reality, each school has stronger and weaker year groups passing and results vary from year to year. External examination results offer 1 measure of school and student attainment: The Department is committed to developing young people holistically in terms of the 6Rs (Readiness, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness, Resilience, Remembering and Relationships). The Department recognises the enormous range of activities in its schools that help to develop confident, well-motivated, balanced young people and recognises that the achievements of students are much broader than those things that might be measured in graphs.

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