Cabinet Office News

Government seeks non-executive directors for the Cabinet Office

Government is seeking to appoint two non-executive directors (NEDs) to the Cabinet Office. Candidates should have a genuine interest in serving the Isle of Man...
Friday, 13 October 2023

Lady Haddocks, wife of former Lieutenant Governor, passes away

Government House regrets to announce the death of Lady Haddacks, the wife of former Lieutenant Governor Vice-Admiral Sir Paul Haddacks KCB. Lady Haddacks died...
Friday, 13 October 2023

Chief Minister attends Conservative Party Conference

The Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK attended the Conservative Party Conference this week along with the Deputy Chief Minister Jane Poole-Wilson MHK. Mr Cannan...
Saturday, 7 October 2023

Passports to continue with no Express Service

The suspension of the 5 day express service will be extended until December 2023. This means that only the standard or emergency passport services will continue...
Thursday, 5 October 2023

David Ashford MHK appointed Chair of Housing and Communities Board

David Ashford MHK has been appointed as a Member of the Cabinet Office and will also become the Chair of the Housing and Communities Board. Minister for the...
Tuesday, 3 October 2023

International Development Education and Awareness Raising Grant

Manx registered charity the ‘One World Centre’ has been awarded a £30,000 grant towards educating islanders on the importance of a fair and sustainable world...
Monday, 2 October 2023

Chief Minister welcomes plans to regenerate brownfield sites

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK has said he welcomes the redevelopment of three prominent brownfield sites following the recent announcement of £50 million in...
Friday, 29 September 2023

Applications open for Manx charities to register for the International Development Small Grants programme

Applications are now open for the International Development Small Grants, aimed at supporting Isle of Man registered charities in their efforts to make a...
Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Conference provides platform to engage on challenges and opportunities

The second Isle of Man Government Conference took place at the Villa Marina in Douglas this week (Wednesday-Thursday 20-21 September), with more than 750 people...
Friday, 22 September 2023

Public Health produces integrated plan for oral health

The Amalgamated Implementation Plan for Dental Strategy and Oral Health Strategy for Children (0 – 11 years) 2021 – 2026 sets out how different areas of...
Wednesday, 20 September 2023